Signs Of Addiction In The Legal Profession

Oftentimes, a wide array of people may be quite knowledgeable in regards to information related to addiction. Yet still, substance abuse is something that is frequently overlooked in various workplaces—by not only the individual, but his/her surrounding peers, and/or co-workers. As a result of such, the stress that legal professionals experience may make it hard for them to feel as though they can open up—and confide in others—about what they are going through.

Sadly, some might even be able to spot addictive behaviors within one of their co-workers, but chose to ignore it for a number of reasons, such as; being unsure of what to do, not wanting to overstep one’s boundary, facing uncertainty on how to get involved, etc. However, it is smart for one to keep an eye out for irregularities—and/or unusual work ethic—within those that surround them. Some signs to look out for are listed as follows; “missed deadlines or appointments, not returning calls; hostile, inappropriate, or odd behavior in professional situations; deterioration in record keeping, managing funds, etc; changes in appearance/grooming/manner of speech; readily tearful or overwhelmed; and/or a colleague actually confides that his/her life (eg., marital, financial) is in shambles.”

In turn, if action isn’t taken, addicts—within the legal field—who begin to face one or more forms of substance abuse, can find their lives taking a turn for the worst. That’s why it is so important for one to find help early on so that he/she can receive the treatment he/she needs—with the assistance of a medical professional. Not only that, but a medical professional will know how to aid in the best recovery for legal executives—since he/she holds experience with such. But unfortunately, it may pose as difficult at times for one to be able to recognize if another is facing addiction because certain people are easily able to pass as functioning—and/or functional—users.

In conclusion, no matter what one’s career is—and/or what he/she specializes in—he/she still deserves the right to treatment/rehabilitation for his/her addiction. For, it is through such that he/she can begin to handle what he/she is going through—mentally/emotionally—in a much healthier way. A speedy recovery can then draw itself closer to that individual, and help him/her to handle what he/she is going through a whole lot differently—for oftentimes addiction isn’t noticed by the individual himself/herself, but from those on the outside looking in.

Employment Following Legal Executive Addiction Treatment

Legal professionals who struggle with addiction—along with other high risk professions—may feel as though there is no hope for them. Reasons for such can stem from the stress of their career, personal life—and so on—but despite such they might still find themselves not wanting to leave. However, even though individuals may not want to forfeit their jobs, after they have received both necessary and needed treatment, there is the opportunity for employment following such.

First, recovery can benefit those facing drug or alcohol abuse by allowing them to continue in their employment—after completion. It is through such that legal professionals are better able to maintain focus on the cases at hand, as well as other tasks. Yet still, for one to get to this point he/she must be able to be honest with not only himself/herself, but his/her boss—as well as others he/she might feel comfortable confiding in. In fact, it is okay for one to take some time away from his/her work environment to rediscover himself/herself—while in the midst of further understanding his/her addiction. This also gives that individual the opportunity to learn what might be the source of his/her abuse—whether it be stress from his/her legal surroundings, something else, or a combination of both.

In addition, several laws have been put into effect to help addicts to re-enter the workforce, or to ensure that they don’t lose their jobs while attending rehab. Some of these laws are listed as follows; Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Fair Housing Act (FHA), the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), etc. Yet still, grave consequences can still follow legal executives depending on whether or not they take action to ensure a healthy well being—or whether or not they let reputation triumph over recovery.

In conclusion, individuals who have trouble with substance abuse have the ability to keep their jobs—and even obtain better—after they have finished treatment. However, if one refuses to undergo rehab, then that can pose as a big problem, because they can continue to lose focus in their workplace—and may even refrain from doing work all together. Therefore, it is best for one to seek help while he/she can because when he/she gets back there will be a job there for him/her—whether it be where he/she used to be, or elsewhere. But, if he/she chooses not to, there won’t always be an addiction free life.

PTSD, Substance Abuse, & Law

First and foremost, PTSD (also known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is defined as, “a condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occurring as a result of injury or severe psychological shock.” As a result of such, one who struggles with this condition may struggle to sleep, and even replay/recall the experience in particular. Unfortunately, what goes unnoticed by many is how common this disorder is in the legal field. For, what happens beneath the briefcase and the clean cut suit is a whole lot more than what meets the eye.

In turn, PTSD is a big factor linked to substance abuse—which can lay its foundation as early as law school. For, the stress that comes through long hours of studying—and/or restless nights—while preparing for exams can begin to take a toll on one’s mental health. Not only that, but since the legal profession is very competitive this can pose as barren ground for addiction to take root. The reason centers around the fact that such a system plots a wide range of peers against each other, forcing them into isolation as they try and gain the upper hand.

Consequently, feelings of melancholy can begin to settle in the place of one who was once happy, as his/her school work—and/or future career—begin to take over his/her life in great excess. Not only that, but the unfortunate symptoms that come through PTSD—such as restless sleep—can also cause individuals to begin using, whether it be through alcohol or drugs. They may try and find relief—and/or a way to sleep—but in the midst of such impact their well being in an unhealthy way. For, what starts out as a simple way to sleep—and/or maybe even a way to stay up longer and cope with anxiety—can grow into that of a full fledged addiction.

In conclusion, PTSD and substance abuse closely correlate in the legal profession—more than one might think. As a result of such, it’s important that aspiring lawyers—and/or ones who are already established—who are struggling with addiction get help early. In doing so, they might find better ways to cope/handle the high demand that comes through work, school, or both—and be better equipped for such. It is then that they can find an outlet—and/or quicker road to recovery. For, those who are in high demand professions don’t have to go through it alone, and are brave to seek help/treatment—in the midst of a profession that’s highly reputable.

The Mental Health Of Legal Professionals In Relation To Clients

When one thinks of mental health issues he/she might first begin by looking at the individual himself/herself who is struggling with such. However, oftentimes in doing so, he/she fails to recognize the contributing outside sources—which play a big part, especially in the legal field. For, the stress that lawyers are faced with—through clients—can be a key factor in that of their addiction.

First and foremost, those in the legal profession may find themselves already dealing with tight knit deadlines, and when problems arise with clients this can make it difficult for them to keep on track. In turn, these intense client demands can cause everything to be pushed back—and/or pushed around—in that law firm, and cause unneeded stress for lawyers.

Unplanned circumstances such as this can be unnerving for anyone—no matter whether they work in the legal field or not. Such situations can cause even more frustration if they are not of extreme urgency, because they still must be done—and/or completed—for client satisfaction. As a result, it is as though such takes precedence over what was being worked on prior.

Second is the routine that comes through the particular type of work a lawyer engages in. For oftentimes, after years of working in the same law firm—or with certain cases—it can begin to grow old, especially with little to no promotion. It is through such that lawyers may grow depressed, feeling as though their work—as well as themselves—don’t amount too much.

They may find themselves disheartened by the point that they are at within their lives—almost as though they’re at a stand still. It as though they can’t be at the peak of their legal career any longer, but they also can’t move forward due to their existing experience—so they are therefore stuck in limbo. As a result, addiction can ground itself—in the midst of their mental health being breached.

In conclusion, the routine of particular client case work, as well as intense client demands can cause deterred mental health in that of lawyers. For, they can begin to feel overwhelmed—and various hardships such as; anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, PTSD, etc. can present themselves. As a result, lawyers may find themselves struggling to cope and using alcohol or drugs as a scapegoat.

Therefore, it is best for those who are struggling with addiction—in relation to mental health issues that stem from work—to get the help they need when they begin to feel unlike themselves. For, there’s no such thing as getting help too early; it’s always better now than later.