5 important health tips for Lawyers

Just like other professions, the practice of Law can be very demanding. As a lawyer, you can have a lot on your plate which will prevent you from having ample time for yourself.

This is one of the reasons why some of them find it challenging to handle stress because of tight schedules and demanding workloads. Lawyers need to realize that taking some time out for their health and wellness can help them have a long and satisfying career.

Lady Justice, Legal, Law, Justice

Here are some important health tips that Lawyers can leverage

Exercise regularly

Lawyers need to incorporate exercise into their schedules so that they can reap the benefits of being physically active.

When you are physically active, it reduces the risk of diseases, makes your bones stronger, improves your brain health, helps with weight management, etc. You can dedicate 3-4 days per week, and spend 30-45 minutes working out.  

Eat a balanced diet

It is also important for Lawyers to focus on eating a balanced diet to remain healthy. Eating a nutritious meal helps to build immunity, strengthen bones, reduce the risk of heart disease, improve digestive system function, etc.

Spend time with your loved ones

Lawyers should also be careful not to jeopardize their relationships with their career. They should create an effective work-life balance that enables them to be available on both ends.

When you have a positive social relationship, it has a profound effect on your quality of life. Keeping in touch with your loved ones helps you to properly manage stress and preserves your mental health.

Go for counseling

Attending counseling sessions is another important tip that lawyers should not overlook. If you feel overwhelmed, confused, and helpless, you can consider going for counseling.

When you go for counseling, it gives you perspective on how to handle any situation that comes your way irrespective of how difficult they are.

Get enough sleep

Lawyers need to be more intentional about getting enough rest. Some of the health benefits of sleeping well include healthy weight, building immunity, improved mood and happiness level, reducing the risk for some diseases, etc.

Mental health tips for Lawyers

Lawyers are likely to face mental health problems because of the demands that come with their profession.

If care isn’t taken, some of them may rely on substances to help them cope with these problems, which might make them addicted in the long run. Hence, Lawyers may need to put more measures in place that will secure their mental health.

Free An Exhausted Lawyer Reading the Case Paper Stock Photo

Here are some mental health tips that Lawyers can apply

Get enough sleep

Different research studies have shown that poor sleep culture is related to a deteriorating mental health.

When you have a good night’s sleep, you are reducing the chances of coming down with mental health problems like depression and anxiety. A good rule of thumb is to ensure that Lawyers get between 6-8 hours of good sleep with little or no distractions.

Be physically active

It is important for Lawyers not to downplay the essence of being physically active. Exercising helps to increase the flow of blood in the body, and also boosts the production of endorphins and dopamine which positively impacts your mood.

Eat a nutritious diet

Another underrated mental health tip is eating a nutritious meal. To make your brain function optimally, you need the right proportion of carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, minerals fats, and sufficient water.

Lawyers need to take enough vegetables, fruits and water to put their bodies in good shape, that will ultimately improve their mental health.  

Maintain relationships with family and friends

Lawyers need to realize that while work is important, spending time with family and friends is equally beneficial. Hence, invest sufficient time with your loved ones because they are your greatest source of support. When things might get tough, they are the ones that you’ll most likely rely on.

Seek professional support

When it comes to maintaining mental health, Lawyers need to make it a regular habit to see a professional for counseling, and treatment if need be. If you notice that your mental health isn’t in a great shape, it would be best to see a professional that can provide a way out.

Signs that a lawyer is suffering from stress

One of the most competitive industries in the professional world is the legal industry. For any lawyer to be termed as successful they must have a certain level of excellence, top-notch work ethic, grit, and tenacity.  

However, with these great heights in the legal world comes a high level of stress that many of them may not be able to deal with.

Free Ethnic male lawyer showing document on laptop to young female colleague Stock Photo

Stress can be shown through physical and mental health symptoms that can make it difficult for Lawyers to meet deadlines, handle challenging legal matters amongst others.  

Here are some of the common signs that a Lawyer is suffering from stress

Constant exhaustion

When they begin to feel exhausted even after taking some hours to rest, then they might be suffering from stress. Some of them might even feel fatigued after doing little work, and this is because their stress levels are quite high.

Inability to concentrate

Another sign that a Lawyer is dealing with stress is when they find it hard to concentrate. They might find it hard to pick out key details when having conversations, meetings, or even when conducting research for a legal case.

No work-life balance

When a lawyer is suffering from stress, there is a high chance that they won’t have a work-life balance. They may spend much time on work that they barely spend time with their family and friends.

Also, they might begin to feel frustrated from the fact that they don’t have a social life anymore which distracts them from work.


Sometimes, lawyers who are going through stress are likely to self-medicate to combat the physical and mental symptoms that come with stress. In the process, some of them may become addicted to drugs and alcohol because they have developed a dependence on them.

For overworked attorneys who are burned out, they can reduce their stress levels by having enough rest, spending time with family and friends, and setting boundaries when it comes to work-life balance.

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Reasons Why Lawyers Are Prone To Substance Addiction

Society views lawyers are people of high prestige, mostly well-compensated, highly intelligent, so it can be baffling to hear about substance addiction among lawyers. And some might wonder, how can well-paid, well-respected lawyers be addicted to drugs, alcohol, or other substances? Well, this will be demystified as you read further.

The nature of the legal profession aids the gradual development of substance addiction, as shocking as this may seem it is the truth.

Addiction is a brain disease that involves persistent craving for a substance leading to compulsive use despite evident negative consequences. The individual gets to a point where he/she can no longer control or stop his/her usage of such a substance.

So, for lawyers, some reasons why they are prone to substance addiction include;

  • Their Personality

This is what is referred to as the “lawyer personality”, where certain traits can be found in most lawyers which aid the development of addiction to drugs or alcohol. Lawyers are known to be competitive, egoistic, anxious, compulsive, and argumentative, and they always want to be the best. But these are traits that make them constantly anxious and stressed, thereby susceptible to the vices of addiction.

  • Compensation Model

Unlike some other professions, lawyers bill clients per hour, that is, lawyers are paid on an hourly basis. Therefore, time is of high importance to them, the more hours you work, the more you bill your clients. So, they can go for nights without sleep or neglect their personal life to attend to a client’s needs. In the process, they become addicted to substances like caffeine to remain awake or alcohol to remain active.

  • Competitive System

The legal profession is a highly competitive one. Lawyers do not only compete in courts on matters of great consequences for their clients, they also compete to rank up at firms. The system, therefore, puts significant pressure on them to always be the very best or risk losing.

This pressure pushes lawyers towards alcoholism or cocaine addiction to deal with the pressure and stress.

So, although the legal profession can be very rewarding, it places tremendous pressure on lawyers which could easily lead them to substance addiction. These are the reasons why lawyers are prone to substance abuse and addiction. After many years of Addiction most Lawyers will need to seek professional help to treat there Substance Problem. Residential Addiction Treatment Programs can provide the best results, leading to a life Free from addictions.

Executive Rehab For Addicted Attorneys

For an attorney for earns a living from arguing cases, accepting that he/she is addicted to substances or alcohol can be quite difficult. And when they do, finding the right treatment facility that can cater to their needs becomes an issue. But there are some treatment facilities known as executive rehabs which cater for addicted attorneys.

Often an addicted attorney can easily create arguments and justification for his/her addiction, disguising on certain premises which a regular rehab is not equipped to deal with.

But for executive rehabs, their staff are highly trained and intelligent to deal with any argument put forward by an addicted attorney. Not to say that regular treatment facility staffs are not intelligent, but that those of executive rehabs are well-trained and professional in dealing with attorneys.

More so, unlike a regular rehab which separates a patient from his/her phone and external influences such as work, executive rehabs recognize an attorney’s need to sometimes work.

They, therefore, provide flexible schedules to enable attorneys to work while receiving treatment and at request may provide a conference room for office meetings. This is important for attorneys who may need to attend to one or two clients while on their way to sobriety.

An attorney occupies a position of prestige in society, so apart from accommodating their client’s commitments, executive rehabs also uphold the high standard of living of attorneys.

That is the facilities are high class, spas, pools, fitness centers, massage therapy, specialty delicacies, etc. Executive rehabs ensure that an attorney doesn’t have to forgo his/her affluent lifestyle to seek treatment, but retains such lifestyle while for clients seeking sobriety.

Therefore, due to the societal position and peculiarly of an attorney, regular treatment centers will not be sufficient, but executive rehab facilities have to be engaged for the best outcome.


The law profession, beyond its prestige, is a sedentary profession that can be psychologically and emotionally sapping. Found among lawyers are significant levels of anxiety, stress, and depression arising out of the pressure to keep up with the high demands of the legal profession.

Hence, some lawyers have turned to drugs and other substances such as caffeine, steroids, or nicotine to help them relax and be more productive.

To prevent addiction among lawyers, below are some health tips:

1. Set healthy limits: The emotional involvement of lawyers can often make them forget to live healthily. As a lawyer, you tend to deprive yourself of sleep or get anxious over the problems of your client that you may eventually develop depression and high blood pressure. In handling legal matters, be wise enough to separate your personal life from client matters. Set time limits.  

2. Exercise: Always take time to exercise no matter how impossible it may seem because lack of exercise could gradually kill your body and mind. Exercise is a healthy way to relieve the stress that comes with the legal profession.

3. Socialize: To prevent addiction as a lawyer, you could develop the habit of socializing by spending time with people, especially those you love. You could also build close relationships with your colleagues at work who would check on you often and whom you can hang out with during times of high stress.

4. Sleep: Sleep has its way of relaxing the mind so, you should not be deficient in sleep if you aim to prevent addiction as a lawyer.

The importance of your health as a lawyer cannot be over-emphasized as your health status affects your level of productivity. Keep your mind healthy by learning to forgive yourself when you make mistakes and not pressure yourself to always attain perfection.

How Lawyers can prevent addiction in their cycle

An American Bar Association study from 2016 showed that 20.6 percent of lawyers reported problems with drinking. Other research from the Canadian Bar Association estimates that alcohol addiction rates among lawyers range between 15 and 24 percent.

Prescription drugs and illicit drugs are also a problem for many lawyers. They utilize substances like cocaine, OxyContin, and Valium to achieve a competitive edge, prevent stress, or cope with mental health disorders.

Many lawyers who suffer from substance use disorders sacrifice their health to accomplish their work goals. In addition, family and social relationships may be affected.

Lawyers tend to be good at dominating conversations, meetings, and relationships. The skill they have at diverting attention away from themselves makes it more challenging to convince them to obtain treatment for their substance use disorder.

If you are an attorney who is struggling with a substance use disorder, there are ways to recover from this disease and save your career. Professionals in high-demand professions are catered to by many rehab treatment facilities that offer specialized programs.

To reduce substance abuse, attorneys and law firms need to take reasonable steps. Taking proactive steps to address addiction can prevent lawyers from developing addiction problems in the future. A few of these steps are:

Managing Stress

Attorneys are vulnerable to mental health disorders due to stress, a common element in substance abuse. The stress level of attorneys can be reduced significantly by properly training them on how to manage their time and clients. Counseling and peer support can be helpful for attorneys suffering from severe stress. Working fewer hours can reduce stress as well.

Policy and Attitude Changes towards Drinking in the Workplace

Lawyers are often surrounded by an environment that encourages substance abuse, especially alcohol abuse. Young lawyers are most at risk of developing alcohol dependence, according to a study by the American Bar Association in 2016. The study reported that 31.9% of lawyers 30 or younger took part in problematic drinking.

Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease study’s authors suggest law firms can address this issue by implementing formal policies for handling substance abuse in the workplace. Researchers found that preventing permissive attitudes towards substance abuse at work can be effectively prevented through team-based interventions.

Lawyers and Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol

Even though men and women in the legal profession are often subjects of jokes by the general public, they are known for their hard work and intelligence in sorting out complex legal issues.

With the high stress levels associated with their careers, lawyers are known to push themselves above and beyond their physical and mental limits.

Similar to other high-stress careers (such as emergency first responders, police officers, doctors, et cetera) lawyers also tend to resort to unhealthy habits to cope with job-related stress and anxieties.

Specifically, addiction to alcohol in combination with depression and anxiety are more common in the legal professionals than in others.

Another factor to consider is that legal professionals also suffer from extremely high levels of mental health issues. It has been reported that 40% of law students suffer from depression just after the first year of law school. This impact is said to continue throughout law school and into their careers.

Considering the frequency and quantities of alcohol consumption, a study by the American Bar Association involved 12,825 licensed and employed lawyers in 19 states around the US.

Results based on the lawyers’ anonymous responses to a questionnaire reveled that as high as 28 percent suffer from depression, and 19 percent exhibit symptoms of anxiety.

Given the nature of how the legal system works, it is a common understanding that lawyers who argue cases in the court find that they have to compromise their ethical and moral values, creating an inner conflict. They may also have to take positions that are contrary to their belief system and defend people they think are guilty.

Addiction in the legal profession is a giant problem that unfortunately had put an end to many promising careers and lives.  

Taking steps to addressing mental health and stress related triggers early on in the law school is an important consideration.

Attaining work-life balance is very hard for people in the legal profession. This is especially true in the case of junior lawyers who typically don’t have control over their schedules and workload.

An indirect factor for the stress is said to be the high levels of debt accumulated during law school. This burden could be a limiting factor when the graduating young lawyers make their career decisions. However, these young professionals need to realize that their well-being is tied to keeping themselves physically and mentally healthy.

Fortunately, several Alcohol Addiction Treatment options in a private and confidential environment are available.